Sr. Mary Daniel
Sr. Mary Daniel Jackson was born in Philadelphia, PA. and is an only child. Sister taught for many years in the elementary and secondary schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. She also served as a principal for 4 years. Prior to coming to Sacred Heart, Sister served as Director of Outreach and Evangelization for the Ministry of Caring in Wilmington, Delaware for 12 years and Pastoral Associate for Sacred Heart Oratory (Also in Wilmington). It was during this time that Sister became involved extensively with the poor, the homeless and the elderly. She worked in shelters and taught Sacred Scripture to the residents. She also gave counseling privately and in groups. Sister Mary Daniel's involvement in music began in childhood and she continues this involvement to this day. She has been Director of Music in several parishes in Philadelphia and has sung in several professional choruses. These include the Choir of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Choral Arts Society of Philadelphia, Singing City Choir, Mastersingers, and the Archdiocesan Choir of Philadelphia. Sister was a member of the Papal Choirs who sang for the Visits of Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Francis to Philadelphia. Sister Mary Daniel is a member of the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and is the Convent Superior. She offers spiritual direction full-time, by appointment.