Sacred Heart Wedding Frequently Asked Questions
If you are considering a wedding at Sacred Heart, please read these FAQ’s and answers carefully prior to contacting the office. Additional questions may be answered when you are in contact with the Parish office or your wedding hostess.
Do I have to be Catholic to get married at Sacred Heart? At least one party must be Catholic.
Do I have to be a member of this parish? Yes, the policy at Sacred Heart is that one must be an active member of the parish for six (6) months prior to requesting marriage. It is not enough to ask to be married and then register at the parish during that time.
What does Marriage Preparation consist of? Marriage preparation is a nine (9) month rigorous course of face to face meetings with a mentor couple combined with the FOCCUS premarital inventory test. Sacred Heart requires each couple to complete a full course of Natural Family Planning classes and have the certificate of completion on file.
Is there a wedding Hostess? Yes, the wedding “coordinator” is the person who runs the rehearsal and the wedding, acting as Sacristan for the Mass and both setup and cleanup crew.
Is Flash photography allowed? No, especially not during the consecration.
What restrictions are there for professional photographers/videographers? Photographers and videographers are welcome but should not interfere with the sacrament taking place. Therefore they are not allowed in the sanctuary (above the 3 steps to the altar) and should remain behind the first big pillar where the pews begin.
How many pew rows are there? 21
Are there restrictions on dresses? Yes! Please remember that modesty is key! You are in church and standing before God and man. Backless, strapless and spaghetti strap dresses are not allowed without proper coverings (ie. shawls etc).
What are the pew decoration restrictions? Flowers, tool etc. may be used but shouldn’t be too intrusive. No flower petals are allowed in the aisle.
What are my options for music? Music is directed and arranged by our Director of Sacred Music. We use the Missa Simplex Mass setting for our weddings which is a combination of English and Latin. The Director of Sacred Music will review the limitations of music with each couple.
What are my options for flowers? Flowers are seen as an offering to the Lord and thus are not permitted to be removed from the sanctuary (above the 3 steps to the altar) once placed there. Flowers placed on the pews may be removed.
Are Friday weddings allowed? Yes! Typically they would begin at 5pm during the fall/winter and could occur earlier in the day during the summer (this is due to the constraints with the school year)
How late can I get married on a Saturday? Weddings on Saturday can be as early as 11am but start no later than 1pm. The church MUST be vacated and put back to its original appearance by 2:45pm as confessions begin at 3pm.
Can I have a different priest or altar servers? Sacred Heart has a specific way of doing things thus we supply the altar boys who are well versed in the Mass. If one wishes to have another priest assist or perform the ceremony that priest must have permission of our parish priest as well as the bishop before being allowed to conduct the wedding ceremony.
Are there any dates I can’t get married? Yes. Weddings are not conducted around major holidays or feast days (ie. Christmas, Easter, July 4th and surrounding dates). When requesting date for marriage it is imperative that the couple meet with the priest first and then the date is confirmed. After that, the couple may book their respective venue.