Three Hearts Pilgrimage Sign Up & Meetings

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Three Hearts Pilgrimage Sign Up & Meetings

Dear Parents,

At the Parish and Academy we have set aside the 10th, 11th, and 12th of October for the annual three Hearts Pilgrimage. This annual pilgrimage brings young people and families together from across the country to honor the Heart of Jesus in the Month of Mary and in Union with St. Joseph. 

Our priorities and how we spend our time communicates so much to our children about what and who we worship. I would ask you to set aside these dates and seriously consider attending as a family.

In Christ,


Here is some info about the pilgrimage:

The Three Hearts Pilgrimage (THP) is a 35 mile, 2 day sacrificial walk of reparation with the Benedicting Monks of Clear Creek and families from across the country defending the Sanctity of Life and the Traditional Family while pursuing that which is Good, True and Beautiful. 

When does it take place? THP takes place October 10-12, 2024 

Where does it take place? The Pilgrimage takes place in Southeastern Oklahoma and finishes at the beautiful Monastery of Our Lady of Clear Creek culminating in a Pontifical Mass with Cardinal Burke.  

Who can attend? Anyone who is interested, even whole families. While we are inviting the Youth it is important to know that many whole families make this Pilgrimage.  

How do I register or sign-up? Our Parish has secured a “Chapter” for this event. A chapter is a walking group organized under a name. Our Chapter name is “Cor Jesu” or “Heart of Jesus”. In order to attend interested people, a parent or families must do this on their own by going to the following website:

Once at the site you enter our chapter PROMO CODE: SacredHeartMI24

Then choose your ticket category (youth, young adult, family (only choose this if it makes financial sense for your family, etc)   

The PROMO CODE zero’s out the balance and simply registers you. When registration closes the third week of September our parish will be billed. Those attending will pay the parish directly for the ticket price.  

Travel – Our parish plans to both rent vehicles and carpool with each other. 

Total Cost: This may vary a bit depending on how many attend. However, we project an overall cost for a single person / single youth attending to be estimated around $300.00.    

Timeframe – It is very important for planning purposes that parents, youth, families make the decision to attend AND actually register online (directions above) by Monday, September 16. If you register please inform Michael Tober in the parish office via email at This will allow us to determine our travel criteria and shared expenses. There will be a detailed travel meeting for those officially attending THP on Thursday, September 26 at 7pm in Cebelak Hall.     

High School Information Meetings? We will be formally inviting the High School students and interested families to participate in THP on the following days and times:

FT High School – Wednesday, September 4 from 12:40pm-1:05pm in Cebelak Hall

CEC – Thursday, September 5 from 12:40pm-1:05pm in Cebelak Hall

Home School students are welcome to attend either of these meetings. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.

Preview YouTube video THREE HEARTS PILGRIMAGE | Find Beauty In Sacrifice

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