First Friday Adorers Needed!

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First Friday Adorers Needed!

Did you adore our Lord during our 40 Hours Devotion? Would you like to adore Him every First Friday? We are in need of those willing to commit to an hour of adoration every Frist Friday. We particularly need adorers for the 10:00 a.m., Noon and 2:00 p.m. hours. If you would like to sign up or want more information, please call Noelle in the parish office at 616-459-8362.

4 hours ago

Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart Academy Families, a reminder that Partners in Formation is this evening starting at 7:00pm in the Academy cafeteria. The topic is Sabbath rest, connected to our thoughts on leisure. Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke will be presenting. I hope you can join us!This evening is open to all members of the parish. ... See MoreSee Less
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