Apostles of Mercy and Prayer Line

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Apostles of Mercy

We pray for those in danger of death, or recently deceased – anyone, anywhere, any faith (or none).  Praying for others can remind us of our own mortality and provoke a natural examen – a great spiritual regimen for all of us. You do not need to be a parishioner to become part of the Apostles of Mercy.

To be a part of serving, join the Apostle of Mercy Flocknote Group.

Prayer Line

We are a group who strive to help others in need through prayer. If you know of someone who is battling illness, struggling in their marriage, looking for discernment, or facing any number of difficulties, we will pray for them. The power of prayer is truly amazing. We are all the body of Christ and we are called to care for each member, especially those who are in need. Prayer strengthens the community and allows us to see additional opportunities to reach out to others. It only takes a few minutes out of your day. If you’re looking for a way to serve, consider joining the Prayer Apostolate.

To serve in this prayer group, join the Prayer Line Flocknote Group.

Seven Sisters

Our Sisters pray for our pastor, Father Ron for one hour per day.