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Sacred Heart of Jesus has access to a dynamic Catholic resource by the Augustin Institute:  FORMED.

Visit the FORMED website for more information  (Sacred Heart code…8K62QB)

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Parish E-Mail list – Important announcements, 0-1 times per week

myParishApp – Great tool with lots of quick access links to our calendar, bulletins, homilies, prayers and more!

Sacred Heart of Jesus Facebook Page – Makes sure you “Like” us so you see our posts!

Sacred Heart of Jesus Website Calendar and Latest News Page

Sacredheartparishgr on Instagram – Re-Activated

Sacred Heart Academy YouTube Channel – So many beautiful videos here!

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Ways to Give to Sacred Heart

You may be new or visiting and are wondering where the collection baskets are! Instead of “passing the basket” during the offertory hymn, Sacred Heart has baskets at the back of church that you can put an envelope in which are collected after each Mass. Alternatively, you are welcome to give a one time or recurring donation via Faith Direct
at You needn’t be a parishioner to give online. If coins are at a premium in your household, as they are for many, an even better way to give to the church is through your time. Even big and busy families are able to give – bring the kids with you! Little hands are welcome and can have a big impact. Contact the parish office if you want to volunteer your time or talents!

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In our Pews – The Parish Book of Chant

You’ll notice that we have a book in our pews: the Parish Book of Chant, published by the Church Music Association of America. This wonderful collection of Gregorian ordinaries, hymns, and antiphons contains virtually everything the congregation could ever need to participate in a sung Mass, whether it be a Novus Ordo or Traditional Latin Mass. They also include the full texts of both Masses to help you follow along with the priest’s prayers.

Both the white and red (Latin) Mass booklets that we’ve been using for the past year have served as a placeholder for this Parish Book of Chant. The PBC and the Jean de Brebeuf Hymnal skillfully express the riches of our musical deposit of faith, encompassing a vast selection of both liturgical and devotional materials. May they greatly aid you in your assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

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Monthly Memorial Association

WHAT IS THE “SACRED HEART MONTHLY MEMORIAL AND INTENTIONS”? The SACRED HEART Monthly Memorial and Intentions is a special offering made by parishioners of SACRED HEART, through which your intentions are remembered at a special Mass to be celebrated each month throughout the entire year.

WHY START SUCH A MEMORIAL? This Monthly Memorial fulfills many of your requests for monthly prayer for your special intentions or for those loved ones who are deceased; your intentions will be listed each week on the back of the parish bulletin. Your offering of $75.00 per year will help to support the parish.

WHAT IS THE REQUESTED OFFERING? A yearly offering of $75.00 is asked for the intentions to be remembered at this Mass, to be celebrated each month. You are all welcome to attend this Mass. HOW

DO I LIST MY INTENTIONS? You may list your intentions one of two ways. As one individual name: Mary Jones or you may list family groupings: The Jones Family. Multiple names may be listed but require an additional offering of $75.00 for each name listed.

WHEN WILL THESE MASSES BEGIN? As the memorial begins to form, and intentions are submitted, we will begin the Masses in June of this year. The “intention year” will then be from June to June. And then we begin again. If you wish to continue having your intentions remembered at these Masses, you will be asked to renew your offering each year.

HOW DO I BECOME PART OF THE “SACRED HEART MONTHLY MEMORIAL AND INTENTIONS”? Complete the Parish Monthly Memorial Form and return it to the parish office as soon as possible, with your offering of $75.00.

WHAT IF I HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS? Feel free to call the parish office at (616)459-8362, during business hours. We will be happy to answer your questions concerning the memorial. To Sign Up, Please Call the temporary parish number (616) 287-0256

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Is your Faith Direct account up-to-date?

Now is the time to check in with your Faith Direct account and make sure you have updated your contact information, donation levels, and credit card information to make sure everything is up-to-date. Also, if you are married, please make sure the husband is listed as the account holder with the wife listed in the box for spouse.

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Decals available for free in the parish office

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish decals are available for free in the parish office. Come pick yours up and spread the word!

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Finding Healing After Abortion

The Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for healing after abortion will help those who have been through abortion with forgiveness, experience the mercy of God, and grieve the loss of your unborn child or children. Retreats are open to women, men, and couples. For more information or to register contact Maggie Walsh at All inquiries are confidential. Financial aid is also available. Our desire is to have you there with us.

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