Monthly Memorial Association

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Monthly Memorial Association

WHAT IS THE “SACRED HEART MONTHLY MEMORIAL AND INTENTIONS”? The SACRED HEART Monthly Memorial and Intentions is a special offering made by parishioners of SACRED HEART, through which your intentions are remembered at a special Mass to be celebrated each month throughout the entire year.

WHY START SUCH A MEMORIAL? This Monthly Memorial fulfills many of your requests for monthly prayer for your special intentions or for those loved ones who are deceased; your intentions will be listed each week on the back of the parish bulletin. Your offering of $75.00 per year will help to support the parish.

WHAT IS THE REQUESTED OFFERING? A yearly offering of $75.00 is asked for the intentions to be remembered at this Mass, to be celebrated each month. You are all welcome to attend this Mass. HOW

DO I LIST MY INTENTIONS? You may list your intentions one of two ways. As one individual name: Mary Jones or you may list family groupings: The Jones Family. Multiple names may be listed but require an additional offering of $75.00 for each name listed.

WHEN WILL THESE MASSES BEGIN? As the memorial begins to form, and intentions are submitted, we will begin the Masses in June of this year. The “intention year” will then be from June to June. And then we begin again. If you wish to continue having your intentions remembered at these Masses, you will be asked to renew your offering each year.

HOW DO I BECOME PART OF THE “SACRED HEART MONTHLY MEMORIAL AND INTENTIONS”? Complete the Parish Monthly Memorial Form and return it to the parish office as soon as possible, with your offering of $75.00.

WHAT IF I HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS? Feel free to call the parish office at (616)459-8362, during business hours. We will be happy to answer your questions concerning the memorial. To Sign Up, Please Call the temporary parish number (616) 287-0256

Join us for our February Authenticum Lecture this Thursday, February 6. We will welcome Dr. Aaron Sanders the Director of Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Grand Rapdis whose lecture is titled: The Problem of Religious Liberty: The Role of the Church in a Confessionally Divided State.Dr. Sanders holds a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. His graduate studies focused on the theological controversies of the Early Modern period, including such topics as the doctrine of justification, sacramental theology, and the place of the Church within a confessionally divided political order. He currently serves the Diocese of Grand Rapids as director of the Office for Worship, which supports liturgical life in the diocese by means of ministry training and catechesis. The Lecture will be held in the Parish Hall. Wine, Cheese and light refreshments will begin at 6:30pm. Lecture begins at 7:00 pm. Bring your friends, spouses, neighbors and enemies!! ... See MoreSee Less
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