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Welcome to Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish!

In the city and diocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan

Rev. Ronnie P. Floyd, Pastor

Rev. Donald Lomasiewicz, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Robert Sirico, Pastor Emeritus*
Rev. John Bosco Ssekkomo, In Residence




We are a traditional Catholic parish promoting faith, bringing hope, and fostering charity through the reverent celebration of the Sacraments.

Welcome to Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish! We are a community of traditional Catholics striving to live out our faith through the Sacraments as we worship, pray, serve, and learn together. We are proud to be a part of the West Side neighborhood of Grand Rapids, instructing in the faith, bringing hope, and fostering charity just like our Polish founders did when they established our parish over 100 years ago.

We invite you to make Sacred Heart your spiritual home. Our congregation welcomes everyone, and we rejoice in the lively spirits of children, so don’t hesitate to bring the little ones along. Please join us for Mass and get to know us better by reviewing our website and weekly Bulletins, and contact our Parish Office if you have any questions. Are you ready to make Sacred Heart your home? Complete your parish Registration.

Parish Office hours: 8:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (Summer hours are 8:45am-3:00pm, M-Th)

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