
A very important component of the Outreach Program is our Ministry to the Homebound.  Through these visits and phone calls, the elderly and infirmed persons feel a connectedness to the parish and its activities.  The volunteers, in turn, develop a personal relationship which almost becomes familial.  Volunteers serve in a variety of ways.  In addition to regular visits, the volunteers run errands, write letters, send cards and even spend time in prayer.  The volunteers serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and, when need be, arrange for Anointing of the Sick.

To serve this apostolate, please join the Homebound Flocknote Group.

Need a homebound visit? We are available to visit homebound and elderly parishioners who cannot get to Mass regularly. If you or someone you know is interested in a visit, please contact the parish office at parishoffice@shgr.org, (616) 459-8362.