Sacred Heart Parish has over fifty altar servers, including some Academy students who are not parishioners and serve only during the school year. The altar servers are an integral part of the liturgical life of Sacred Heart Parish: in addition to fulfilling the physical task of assisting the priest in the reverent celebration of the Mass, our servers perform an even more important spiritual function—to lift the minds and souls of the congregation towards Heaven. We believe that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a foretaste of Heaven, where the Blessed Trinity is worshipped eternally by all the angels and saints. By their reverent actions at the altar, servers reflect, in an imperfect-yet-real way, the order and beauty of the Heavenly Liturgy. It is hard to imagine a more important duty that a young person can execute in this life.
If you would like to know more about serving, please join the Alter Servers Flocknote Group and contact the parish office.