September 11, 2018 8:20 pm

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September 11, 2018 8:20 pm

Tonight two Bible Studies Begin at 7pm:
1) Study on the Psalms with Mr. Cliff Bajema, meets in the SHA Newman Room
2) Study on the book of Revelation with Mrs. Betty McClintic, meets in the SHA Booster Room near the gym.
Wednesday Night our Catholic Formation Class begins at 7pm and meets in the SHA Newman Room:
This study of the tenants of our Catholic Faith is intended to strengthen the already Catholic in the Pew, and also serves to help prepare those who desire to come into full communion with the Church at Easter.

Thursday Night our Study on Evangelization begins at 7pm. This study is being led by Mrs. Betty McClintic.

Join us for our February Authenticum Lecture this Thursday, February 6. We will welcome Dr. Aaron Sanders the Director of Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Grand Rapdis whose lecture is titled: The Problem of Religious Liberty: The Role of the Church in a Confessionally Divided State.Dr. Sanders holds a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. His graduate studies focused on the theological controversies of the Early Modern period, including such topics as the doctrine of justification, sacramental theology, and the place of the Church within a confessionally divided political order. He currently serves the Diocese of Grand Rapids as director of the Office for Worship, which supports liturgical life in the diocese by means of ministry training and catechesis. The Lecture will be held in the Parish Hall. Wine, Cheese and light refreshments will begin at 6:30pm. Lecture begins at 7:00 pm. Bring your friends, spouses, neighbors and enemies!! ... See MoreSee Less
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