October 10, 2018 8:00 pm

Home / Post / October 10, 2018 8:00 pm

October 10, 2018 8:00 pm

SHA Fundraiser: Shop & Sip. This event will be held at Reservoir, 1144 Wealthy Street SE, close to Wealthy Street Theatre. 20% of every purchase between 2-6 pm on Saturday, October 13th will go to the Academy.There will be snacks and drinks provided.
Mrs. Meghan Power’s (parishioner and Academy parent) sister owns Reservoir, a store in Eastown that carries a collection of sustainable and American goods from clothing to homegoods. They have children’s, men’s and women’s clothing. They also have cute greeting cards, potted succulents, and jewelry. Reservoir has a wide range of prices and carries a modest clothing line.
Regardless of whether the shopper is associated with Sacred Heart or not, between 2 – 6 pm, 20% of their sale will go towards the Academy. Please share the event with friends and family!

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