40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life

Would you be willing to pray for one hour to end abortion? 40 Days for Life is a pro-life effort that consists of 40 days of praying, fasting, and holding a peaceful vigil in front of an abortion facility. The fall campaign will take place from September 25th through November 3rd. This will be the 30th campaign in Grand Rapids, and it will take place in front of Planned Parenthood at 425 Cherry Street SE in Grand Rapids. This facility offers surgical abortions, the abortion pill, emergency contraception, and refers for late-term abortions. Dozens of area churches have adopted a day of prayer.

Sacred Heart has adopted Wednesday, September 25th to pray at the peaceful vigil. At least two individuals are needed for each hour of the vigil from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Signup sheets will be available at the back of church and following the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses during Coffee and Do- nuts on September 15th. For more information, contact Beth Pielemeier at brmp105@icloud.com or visit www.40daysforlife.com/GrandRapids. To register online to pray and to receive a reminder/updates, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit www.40daysforlife.com/GrandRapids.
  2. Click “Log In/Sign Up” box.
  3. Click “Sign Up for Vigil Hours” box.
  4. Click on the day you want to pray at the peaceful vigil.
  5. Click on the hour you want to pray.
  6. Click “Submit Hours” box. All done!

Thank you for praying to end abortion in our city!

10 hours ago

Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart Academy Families, a reminder that Partners in Formation is this evening starting at 7:00pm in the Academy cafeteria. The topic is Sabbath rest, connected to our thoughts on leisure. Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke will be presenting. I hope you can join us!This evening is open to all members of the parish. ... See MoreSee Less
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