Volunteers needed for Palestrina 500

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Volunteers needed for Palestrina 500

Sacred Heart will host a year-long choral festival called Palestrina 500, celebrating the quincentennial birthday of the great Renaissance composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-94). In an effort to pull off an endeavor of this magnitude we are looking for volunteers who can commit to a specific need below, for ALL 13 events. We understand the commitment necessary from you to make that work, and we appreciate you praying about it. Our hope is that we end up with a solid team so that we can run like a well oiled machine. Please scan the QR code, visit https://bit.ly/VolunteerP500 or email Mike Tober,
dre@shgr.org or Laureen Fish, lfish@shgr.org with questions.

Sacred Heart Parish will be closed today due to inclement weather and poor road conditions. All activities are cancelled. There will be Mass at 8am and 8:45 (Ember Mass) as well as the normal Friday Holy Hour--please be prudent.-Text back to reply ... See MoreSee Less
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