‘We are a parish living in fidelity to Christ and His Church, who strive to give ourselves in loving service to God and neighbor out of gratitude for the grace we receive—most especially the Eucharist, which is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC 1324).’ Taken from Fr. Sirico’s letter in the Town Hall Packet, 2019
Renewal of Fidelity
Please make every effort to return your forms as soon as possible These forms are important for the ongoing planning and organization of our renewal Without them, we would have to fly blind and the fewer we receive, the less we are able to predict the kind of plans we can feasibility put in place for all we hope to accomplish If you need a new form, please contact the office. We ask that you make every effort to return your forms by Ash Wednesday so that we have as complete a picture as possible to share on the Second Sunday of Lent, which will be our next update Thank you for support
If you would like a printable copy of the Town Hall Packet, please contact the parish office.
What talents has God blessed you with that you would like to share with our community?
Volunteer Interest Form